
There is a word that everyone, without exception, has been hearing for a while now: AI. Students, employees, even those who use it when choosing fruits and vegetables at the market.

Artificial Intelligence is based on the ability of machines to imitate skills such as thinking, learning, problem solving and decision making. Although it has not emerged recently, it has become accessible and usable by everyone. We are at a point where AI, which largely entered our lives with ChatGPT, is now used in many different areas and in different ways. We have even reached a point where there are specific systems for specific jobs.

There are specially trained systems for making websites, for asking questions about different software languages, and even for “humanizing” texts written using artificial intelligence. While this is the written side, there are also AI tools for creating visuals.

What is an Artificial Intelligence Image Generation Tool?

Artificial intelligence image generation tool is the image generation version of the systems where we give input in written form and receive output in written form. Artificial intelligence image creation tools are image generators that you can use without any training, without the need for a professional group working in this field. It allows you to create the image you want in seconds, correct the parts you don't like in seconds, and easily reach the closest result to what you have in mind by making as many changes as you wish.

How to Use the AI Image Generation Tool

Just as we enter a prompt while talking with ChatGPT and get an output in return, here, too, when you enter a prompt such as “children playing games” about the image you want to draw, you can get an output with many different drawing options, even in the form of a real photo.

The more detailed the image you want to create is described, the closer the result is to what you want. However, since not all systems are at the same level, some can create images according to abstract descriptions, while others do not give very good results. For this reason, when an abstract prompt is given, the result may be less satisfactory than the result after a good description.

AI Image Generation Tools

Although there are countless resources available, we think it's important to use the right ones to get the results you want. We have compiled the AI image generation tools that will give you the most satisfying results.


Midjourney is an image generator that also works on the Discord server and has a website application. Although it's paid, I think it has one of the best image creation capacities. Especially in detailed descriptions, it can produce images that you didn't even expect, that you didn't imagine so well when you entered the prompt. When entering the prompt, you can specify the period and place you want the image to be in, and if there will be a character in it, you can specify the age of this character and get results accordingly. The period, place, character or person you specify does not have to be real, you can have a unicorn drawn in the middle of the world.

castle on the hill in the background and a knight on his horse looking towards the castle in the valley

With the right imagery, you can produce visuals that look like the work of a painter, and all you have to do is admire your work.

midjourney ai image generator

These images were also made with Midjourney, and were created to be “hyper-realistic”. At first glance, they look like photo frames, but they are actually two hyper-realistic images from the same renderer as the image above.


DALL-E is a image visualizer that works with the ChatGPT infrastructure. When you log in to ChatGPT, you can find it under “by ChatGPT” by selecting “Explore GPTs” from the menu. With the standard version, you can create four images per day, if you get GPT Plus, there is no limit of four images. DALL-E generates an image according to the prompt you enter, and when you upload an image to DALL-E, it can generate images similar to this image and recreate the image in the way you want, with the drawing style you want.

a medieval city after it's razed down to the ground

Canva AI Image Generator, Magic Media

Canva is one of the most widely used and almost the simplest application to use today. Canva, which is used in many areas such as design, presentation, website creation, also has an image creator. If you are not using Canva Pro, you are entitled to 45 credits, which means you can create 45 different images. If you are a Canva Pro user, you get 500 credits per month. Each time you enter a prompt, it gives you four printouts, and you can choose the one that is closest to what you want and download it. I think it is very useful in terms of performance when you need to actively create images. At the same time, the Turkish language support makes it easier to use.

a mother reading book to her child

In this way, you can choose the drawing style you want with a simple prompt and use the one that works best for you from the four different results.


Lucidpic, another image generator, is different from the others in that it is designed to create virtual influencers. Once you have created an influencer of your choice, you can manage social media using Lucidpic and the virtual influencer you have created without the need for any equipment, shooting or even leaving your home. Lucipdic, described on its website as “your AI influencer studio”, allows you to create three images for free. There are three different purchase plans, with the Basic plan having the capacity to create 500 images per month. When you enter the website, Lucidpic offers options when creating an image, you can choose from the gender of the character to the style of clothing; as a result, it gives you the image of the influencer you have created.

lucidpic ai image generator

Is the Use of AI Image Generators Tool Ethical?

With the increasing use of artificial intelligence image generators around the world, the most talked-about issue is whether image generators are ethical or not. At this point, the first problem was that the image creators used phrases such as “... draw in ... style, use ... image” when writing the prompt, which would lead painters to use their styles or even use their direct paintings in the background. Most of the painters reacted strongly to this and again, one of the biggest debates at this point was “Is the content original or not, how original is it?”.

In the debates about the authenticity of the content, there were those who thought that artificial intelligence image generators created a new image by scanning the data that already existed, and therefore the content could not be original. When we look at it from the other side, a defense can be made that this cannot be a valid argument since it is impossible today to produce something completely brand new and unprecedented that no one has ever produced before.

AI image generators are now being used very intensively and actively by many professions, making the work of many professions easier. However, it also brings new fields of work, so much so that people can now even become influencers by creating a different person with visual generators.

“Writing is seeing the future.” Paul Valéry