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Personal Branding: Why It's More Important Than Ever?

Alya Öztanyel


Personal branding has today become the key differentiator in today's very competitive world, wherein one would want to make a mark for one's self in personal and professional circles. In the case of professionals, entrepreneurs, and creatives, it is how others perceive them that affects opportunities and relationships, or more importantly, career growth. It is no longer the case that personal branding is solely for celebrities and influencers, but rather all about those who want to make a mark that would last.

This article will explain the value of personal branding, how creating a personal brand effectively works, and how you can establish and maintain a strong personal brand true to your values, goals, and expertise.

Understanding Personal Branding

It's all about marketing either yourself, your career, or your business as a brand. That means creating a persona that is typical and distinctive, which people can relate to-both physical and on the internet. A personal brand would come out in your communication, what you post on social media, values you hold onto-right to interaction.

It's the art of handling the story of who one is and what they stand for in this digitized world where everybody lives online. Done with purpose, building your personal brand earns you trust, authority, and a reputation opening up new opportunities.

Benefits of Personal Brand Building

There are a few key advantages to developing a personal brand:

  • Better Visibility: A good personal brand gives you visibility before employers, clients, and collaborators by showcasing you in front of the right audience so you are able to show them your talent and prowess.
  • Career Development: Whether it is a transition into a new field, promotion, or establishing one's venture, personal branding sometimes can make all the difference in the balance of career possibilities given it testifies and builds recognizability and therefore trust.
  • Authority and Credibility: Once you've developed a personal brand of expertise and competence in one area of endeavour, then you will be acknowledged as an expert, extending further into speaking engagements, publishing, and other offerings as a thought leader in your region.
  • Better Networking Opportunities: A recognizable personal brand helps in connecting you to similar minds, influencers, and leaders inside your industry. The cool thing about networking is it doesn't even feel like work when people know who you are and what you stand for.
  • Control Over Your Story: Through personal branding, you are able to tell people who you are, and not the other way around. You can paint a clear, real picture of just who you are, and what kind of career you seek.

building brand

Building Your Brand

Your personal brand won't be created overnight, but here's some definite steps you can consider in your process of realizing your unique identity:

  • Be cognizant of your strengths and passions. Sometimes, reflecting on strengths may raise concern over being passionate. Your personal brand should be an expression of your skills, passions, and experience that you possess. It may be marketing, graphic designs, and public speaking; it should reflect on your brand.
  • Identify your target audience: Identify who it is that you want to reach. Shall it be potential employers, customers, or even your peers? This goes a long way in defining whom you are targeting with your messaging.
  • Create an online presence in which everything is cohesive: your social media, website, and any other avenue you use should all have the same clear-cut message in regard to tone and messaging, with imagery. They should all appear as projections of one brand identity.
  • Valuable content to share: All about the creation and sharing of relevant content with your brand, possibly including blog posts, videos, podcasts, and social media updates showing and proving your knowledge in whatever thing you do best.
  • Entertain your viewers: A personal brand does need some interactivity. Reply to comments on your posts, discussions in your niche, and let your viewers know you value subscribers and supporters.
  • Request feedback: This is crucial on a regular basis from colleagues, friends, and customers. It will allow you to refine your brand and ensure that it's working for the right target audience.

Successful Personal Branding Strategies

Some of the major strategies to lift your personal branding effort include:

  • Be Real: The personal branding is all about being real. People can tell pretty much when one is being genuine or just trying too hard. One should just be himself or herself and let the personality shine bright.
  • Tell Your Story: Perhaps it is an art and one of the powerful means in personal branding. Just share your story-what challenges you have faced, what experiences motivated you, and many others. It's through sharing your story that people will be able to relate more with you on a personal level.
  • Network and collaborate: Establish relationships with pros and influencers in your industry. Whether through interviews, podcasts, or working on projects together, collaboration is a major way to nurture visibility and tend the authority of one.
  • Consistency is key: Attempt to have consistency in your branding. Whether it is in tone of voice, style of content, or even at the level of visual identity, make sure those line up across platforms. This builds trust and recognition.
  • Learn and Grow: Your personal brand doesn't stay put at one place or state. When the industries grow bigger and change with each new day, so does your brand. For that, you always are supposed to be on your toes, getting updated with all that happens around in your field and keep improving your skill sets-learn new things.

Real Life Examples Of Effective Personal Branding

Some personalities have finally managed to brand themselves perfectly, and from them, it's possible to learn a thing or two about how to go about it:

  • Oprah Winfrey: What the Oprah brand screams of is authenticity, empathy, and the power to inspire. She shares her problems, values, and opinions with her audience, and that helped her gain wide trust and loyalty.
  • Gary Vaynerchuk: Gary Vee has never held back from leading his brand with raw honesty, relentless hustle, and entrepreneurship. His easily approachable and crystal-clear communication drove him to the top as one of the leading voices in the world of business and digital marketing.
  • Elon Musk: Innovation, vision are the words ringing in one's head when talking about Musk's personal brand. His brand is to do with the future-from space exploration to electric cars, his ideas are audacious. An authentic brand, his social media controversies and transparency in depth help keep the world honest.

personal brand

Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Personal Brand

First, there's this set of key metrics and signals you want to track to identify whether your personal branding efforts are on track or not. These include:

  • Audience Growth: Overall growth in your social media/digital followers/subscribers/connections: basically, when your audience is growing, that means your brand relevance is increasing in the world.
  • Engagement Levels: See where your posts are being commented on, liked, and shared. Generally speaking, the higher the engagement goes, the more likely that something worth seeing is being looked at.
  • Opportunities and Invitations: When job offers, speaking engagements, or even just invitations to collaborate with other people start filtering their way into your inbox, you have tangible evidence that your personal brand has begun to carry merit.
  • Feedback from Peers and Clients: Quite often, the best method to learn what others think about your personal brand is actually to ask. If people can really recognize some of the qualities and values you want to emanate, well, again, your effort is well worth it.

branding strategies


Personal branding nowadays is no longer a luxury, but an obligation. Becoming an authentic and consistent personal brand opens up new opportunities, new visibility, and deepens relationships. Of course, it would take quite some time, effort, and profound comprehension of oneself and how he or she wants to be perceived, but with the benefits at hand, it will be worth your while.

Build your personal brand now, understand your strengths, tell your story, and always be consistent. And remember, just like you, your brand should keep growing.

In addition to strengthening your personal brand, we offer professional support in areas such as SEO, web development, and social media management to help grow your business. Furthermore, the IncUnit team is here to assist with your plans for incorporating in the U.S.


Why is personal branding important?

Personal branding makes one stand out in an aggressive industry; it creates credibility and opens up new avenues.

Does not building a personal brand take time? Is it really worth the results one gets from personal branding?

Of course, this building of personal brand does call for time. Again, it may take months or years depending on your efforts and the industry you are in.

Does this help in career advancement?

Yes, an expensive personal brand increases the visibility to potential employers, amplifies your networking, and showcases your expertise-all activities involved in the development of your career.

“Writing is seeing the future.” Paul Valéry