
Let's take a look at the differences and similarities between them and how they work together. In today's business ecosystem, we can consider them not as two different areas that we need to compare with each other, but as two dynamics that can create a great change in businesses when they work in coordination with each other.

Keeping up with the development of technology is an inevitable necessity for all businesses. In order for businesses to have the sales or recognition rates they target, they need to have both web development and digital marketing strategies. Web development and digital marketing are two important areas that strengthen the online presence of businesses and enable them to reach more audiences and create a perception of reliability.

Web Development

These companies, which appear as web development and website design and development agencies, are companies that design and code websites with the features and appearance your organization needs. While coding backend and frontend developments in accordance with the designed UI / UX design, there are certain areas that these companies can organize regarding the SEO item, which falls within the field of digital marketing. SEO-friendly websites are the process in which this process and optimizations are carried out, working to bring your organization's name to higher rankings in search engines.

Website developers, if you have technical SEO requests, can carry out extra work on this issue or deliver the quality of the work delivered by default to you in an infrastructure suitable for the SEO process in the field of digital marketing.


Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing is the process of marketing products and services online. It includes services under several different headings: Strategy, SEO, social media, content production, media buying, e-mailing. The answer to the question of what is digital marketing is; It is the field of work that enables businesses to reach the target audience, promote their brands and increase their sales through special strategy, competitor and target audience analysis, persona studies. The purpose of the digital marketing agency is to increase the visibility of businesses in the online world and to interact with potential customers. After the digital marketing strategy study, some agencies offer all 360-degree digital marketing services under one roof, while some agencies go for specialization by separating the digital marketing services mentioned.

Differences Between Web Development and Digital Marketing

The main difference between these two concepts is their focus. While web development focuses on the technical and aesthetic aspects of a website, digital marketing deals with how to promote it and reach the target audience, but it is not correct to limit their focus areas to these. At the end of the day, both websites and digital marketing activities serve the same purpose: Brand awareness and/or sales.

While technical aspects such as user experience, performance, security and functionality are at the forefront for website developers, digital marketing companies focus on how to attract, engage and convert target audiences. When we look at it, you can see that both website developers and digital marketing experts can work in conjunction with each other using different tools for the same purpose, and even achieve the most effective successes if they work together.

Even if a technical connection is not technically out of the scope of SEO, a post on social media can be directed to the relevant website, social media accounts can be displayed with buttons on the website, and the score of the website in search engines can be optimized with SEO support. When we examine these simple examples, it is possible to observe that companies that work on both wings can approach their annual goals faster. We can see from time to time that some large, traditional companies still do not have websites.

It is possible to predict that companies that underestimate the power of social media or fail to adapt to it may have problems in generating revenue due to their inability to keep up with the times. Especially after artificial intelligence has entered our lives, a breakthrough has been made for all companies and business areas, so we see that companies that still do not work with website design and software agencies or digital marketing agencies today also have difficulties in obtaining new customers due to their inability to adapt to the age. The solution here is of course not only to work with different agencies, but if companies do not have any problems in bringing in human resources, they can also establish their own inhouse teams and departments and hire staff who can only deal with these processes.

marketing strategy

Web Development Costs

It appears as a service area that progresses mainly over the dollar exchange rate. Software developer costs, which are among the professions of our age, are quite high. For this reason, companies usually contact website design and software agencies on a project basis and get prices rather than hiring a software developer in-house, and prefer to work with the most accurate and professional team for themselves.

In terms of costs, since a digital marketing specialist's area of expertise can often be only social media or only SEO, it may be necessary to establish a huge team that can address all the necessary digital marketing services and meet the needs. Instead, it may be a more economical choice to work with a digital marketing agency and work with an established team that includes professionals with most marketing specialties. These agencies can also carry out shorter and one-off studies such as digital marketing consultancy or strategy, where they only provide analysis and reports. It is often possible to create a working model entirely within the scope demanded by companies.

Website and Digital Marketing Working Together

  1. SEO and Web Development: Developing a website in accordance with SEO greatly affects the success of digital marketing campaigns. Page speed, mobile compatibility and security are important in terms of SEO and should be considered during the web development process.

  2. User Experience and Conversion Rates: A well-designed website increases user engagement and improves conversion rates as a result of digital marketing campaigns. A user-friendly interface leads to more sales and better customer satisfaction.

  3. Content Marketing and Web Design: The success of content marketing strategies depends on the design of the website. The presentation of content such as blog posts, videos or infographics can increase the impact of content marketing by enhancing the user experience.



While there are differences between these two areas, it is imperative that they work together to create a successful online presence. A good website attracts users and keeps them on your site, while an effective digital marketing strategy drives potential customers to it.


1. What is the main difference between digital marketing and web development?

Digital marketing focuses on promoting products or services through online channels to reach a target audience effectively. It involves strategies such as SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. In contrast, web development refers to the technical process of building and maintaining websites. This includes coding, design, and server management to ensure that a website functions properly and provides a good user experience.

2. How do digital marketing and web development work together?

Digital marketing and web development complement each other in creating an effective online presence. While web development ensures that a website is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly, digital marketing drives traffic to that website through various promotional strategies. A well-developed website enhances the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns by providing visitors with a seamless experience.

3. Which is more important for a business, digital marketing or web development?

Both digital marketing and web development are crucial for a business's success online. A well-developed website serves as the foundation for digital marketing efforts. Without effective web development, digital marketing campaigns may not perform well, as users may encounter issues while navigating the site. Conversely, without digital marketing, a well-developed website may not attract visitors, limiting its potential impact.

4. Can I learn digital marketing and web development simultaneously?

Yes, you can learn digital marketing and web development simultaneously. While they focus on different aspects of online presence, having knowledge in both areas can be beneficial. Understanding web development can enhance your digital marketing strategies by allowing you to create more effective campaigns tailored to your website's capabilities. Many resources are available to help you learn both disciplines concurrently.

5. Do I need a website for digital marketing?

While it's not strictly necessary to have a website for digital marketing, having one significantly enhances your marketing efforts. A website serves as a central hub where potential customers can learn about your products or services, make purchases, or contact you. Effective digital marketing strategies will drive traffic to your website, making it essential for converting leads into customers.

“Writing is seeing the future.” Paul Valéry